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Get To Know Us

Get to Know Us!

Meet ARTitorium's Staff and learn a little about us. We are excited to get to know you too! *waves*

Visual Arts Director

Meet Georgina!

Georgina's responsibilities as Visual Arts Director include managing ARTitorium. Georgina got her degree in illustration and worked at the Smithsonian American Art Museum for 12 years. She is originally from Preston, England, but feels at home out west. On the weekends you can find her playing with her two kids, racing through the library's reading challenge, and running up mountains. She also has more cats than is normal.

ARTitorium Lead

Meet Kim!

Kim studied Child Development in college and worked at a daycare for 5 years and at a local craft store before joining us at the ARTitorium. She loves talking to kids and is very excited to plan all of the art activities for them to do. Kim enjoys crafting, reading, and spending time with her husband and two young daughters.


Meet Julie!

Julie is a super art educator, whom you have probably met while she was teaching our art classes or leading lessons on a field trip. Julie taught art at a charter school for several years and loves bringing her expertise to ARTitorium. She also loves spending time with her husband and three grown daughters.


Meet Azure!

Azure joins us from Rigby, where plays soccer on a competitive soccer team and is a member of her high school chamber orchestra. She loves to go on horse rides, play soccer and the violin, crochet, draw, and binge watch shows on Netflix. Oh, and pizza!  She loves pizza.

ARTitorium Junior Associate

Meet Gage!

Gage loves art, movies, and music. He is on his school’s yearbook staff, where he takes photos and designs pages. He is also the broadcasting manager for his school's broadcasting class where he helps manage the students as they learn how to stream all of their school events. Gage spends time in the ceramics classroom where he makes things on a ceramics wheel. When Gage isn’t doing homework you can find him listening to music or watching a movie.


Meet Alondra!

Alondra loves photography and taking photos outdoors. She loves food, especially if it's spicy, and spends her spare time with her family. Alondra loves cold weather but not the snow, and she loves to wear hats. 

ARTitorium Junior Associate

Meet Nadein!

Nadein likes theatre and has been in over 35 productions, Nadein loves animals and is planing on going into wildlife rehab. Nadein is the current President of UpStage a local student ran impov group.

ARTitorium Junior Associate

Meet Marcela!

Marcela has moved around a lot and that has developed into a love of traveling and trying new things. She lives with her husband, 2 cats, and a dog. She likes to eat, watch new shows and spend time with friends and family. Marcela hates winter but loves all the other seasons. Her dream is to one day live by the ocean again. 

ARTitorium Junior Associate

Meet Arianna!

Ari is a senior at Thunder Ridge High School. She likes taking pictures of pretty things and learning about biology. She loves fall and Halloween. Ari has three siblings and two little dogs. She loves watching nostalgic movies and shows like My Little Ponies and Monster High.

ARTitorium Junior Associate

Meet Lizzy!

Lizzy loves to read, play the violin and piano, and go to the beach. She enjoys all kinds of art but especially painting and sculpture/pottery. Her favorite thing to do is spend time with her two dogs and two cats. 

Graphic Designer

Meet Jordyn!

Jordyn's responsibilities include creating and designing a lot of fun graphics for ARTitorium. She was born and raised in Idaho Falls and graduated college with a Fine Arts degree. As an artist, she creates art in a digital space and then transforms it into an oil painting. Aside from her art practice, her favorite thing to do is eat food and watch movies with her husband. 

Executive Director

Meet Brandi!

Although you may not see her at ARTitorium often, Brandi is our head honcho. You might recognize her from stage speeches at the Colonial or Summer River Concerts. She keeps the Arts Council ship pointed and moving in the right direction. When not at the office, Brandi spends time with her friends, her kids, and her horses.

Social Media Manager

Meet Sarah!

Sarah has lived in Idaho Falls for six years. She loves traveling, doing crosswords, studying history, reading, and working with kids. She lives with three kids, two dogs, and one husband. If you can't find her, she is probably taking a bath.