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Support Us!

Become a Member

Membership to the Idaho Falls Arts Council is the cornerstone that allows us to fulfill our mission: enabling us to maintain and improve our facilities, implement outstanding programs, and serve as a valuable resource for the community. An annual family membership starts at $50 and gives you discounted admission to ARTitorium as well as a variety of other benefits. Find out more.

Become a Sponsor

ARTitorium is part of the Idaho Falls Arts Council, a 501(c)3 private nonprofit organization. We offer a variety of sponsorship opportunities, including themed months, education support, and named art supplies. All options include opportunities for brand recognition, event participation, and free passes, as well as membership to the Arts Council at the corresponding level. Contact Georgina Goodlander to find out more and/or schedule a tour!, (208) 522-0471.


We are always in need of volunteers to help with school field trips and other events. We're looking for enthusiastic people who can handle large numbers of loud children. Contact or 208-552-1080 for more information.